​Planned Fleet

Easy Fleet Management Software
Defect Management
Defects are defined as any repair which is not scheduled, a bulb not working, a worn/punctured tyre and accident damage for example.
Best practice and in many countries Government law require a fleet operator not only to have a plan to maintain their vehicles but also to record defects as they are reported, to record the action taken to rectify the defect and in many cases keep documentation to prove that the repair was carried out
Defect Reporting

During the driver’s daily walk around check or while on the road a driver may notice a defect in the vehicle. This also applies to breakdowns, punctures and accidents.
The driver must fill out a Defect Report and submit it to the fleet manager who will decide whether the defect makes the vehicle unroadworthy or not. The Manager will also take action to rectify the defect.
Defect Recording

PLANNED FLEET does this by allowing the operator to record the defect, its reported date and scan to document (daily walk around report or on the road report).
Then select a repair date and close the repair by updating the completed date.
PLANNED FLEET can also scan the repair document and the invoice for future reference.
Defect Management

PLANNED FLEET at the press of a button will show all open defects ( not repaired or booked for repair ) for both vehicles off the road and those on the road with a defect which is not safety related
( i.e. radio not working ) .
Defect Log

PLANNED FLEET maintains a log of the reference to the reporting document and can look up the record for the action taken to repair the defect.
Example if the driver records the defect in a defect book kept in the vehicle then an inspector can follow the repair to completion in PLANNED FLEET and even see a scanned copy of the invoice for repair.